Good morning, PG365ers! We were contacted recently by Joshua Clark of Student Life at Parkland. Over spring break, he took a group of students to Flint, Michigan for a service project. The students were so moved by what they saw, learned, and did that they have asked us if we would consider helping their cause. Anthony Baxter writes about the current climate in Flint in a Guardian article from April 4, 2018. Or you can check out this youtube video . It's a clip from a film made by a community college student that helps illustrate the living conditions in Flint. Below I'm sharing what our very own Parkland students wrote about their experience. They've given links to the organizations they worked with if you feel compelled to donate on their behalf. ParklandGives365 is not collecting for this, we are only passing it along as an opportunity. Therefore if you choose to donate to one of these organizations, your donation will be t...